The 🔸10% Pledge

A simple idea that started a global movement. Our most popular pledge, the 🔸10% Pledge, is a public commitment to give at least 10% of income to the organisations that can most effectively use it to improve the lives of others.


Why would 2,971 people from 19 countries pledge to donate 10% of their income to effective charities?

A lot of reasons, but many realised:


If you earn at least 47,000 USD (post tax) per year, you are in the richest 2% globally.

Ten percent seems like a lot until you realise that in most cases, you’ll still be in the top richest income percentile even after donating it!


You can have 100x more impact by donating to the most effective charities (seriously, 100x!)

Ten percent seems like a lot until you realise just how much it can help others in the right hands.


If everyone stepped up in this way, we could legitimately reshape the world.

Ten percent seems like a lot until you realise you’re not alone, and together – we can do incredible things.

hear Akhil's story
hear Catherine's story

What if the top 1% all donated 10%?

What could we accomplish?

Graph of Cause Area funding opportunities

In just two years, we could use the 3.6 trillion dollars to:

$258 B

End extreme poverty for at least a year

$297 B

Build the systems we need to prevent pandemics

$662 B

2x all clean energy R&D funding

$6 B

4x philanthropic funding for nuclear security

$1.5 B

Dramatically increase funding for AI safety

$1.22 T

Clean water & sanitation for all

$341 B

End hunger & malnutrition

$175 B

Dramatically expand access to reproductive care

$219 B

Massively suppress malaria, tuberculosis and HIV

$53 B

Massively suppress or eradicate most NTDs

$222 B

Halve factory farming


Anyone earning US$62k a year post-tax is in that top 1%!

If you live in a wealthy country, you might not realize just how wealthy you are. Most people living in wealthy countries (US, UK, AUS, etc.) are in the top 5% of income earners worldwide even after accounting for increased purchasing power in lower-income countries. Learn more

Help our community reach 10,000 🔸10% pledgers this Giving Season

We're changing the norms around charitable giving. By publicly committing to dedicate a portion of your resources to help others, you'll inspire more people to do the same.


🔸10% Pledgers



Only 16 days left to reach our community goal! Join 2,971 others who have pledged.

Take the Pledge

How does the 🔸10% Pledge work?

The 🔸10% Pledge is a public commitment to give a percentage of your income or wealth to organisations that can most effectively help others.

  • You choose the charities and report and track your giving on your personal pledge dashboard.
  • We show you your giving history, connect you with other pledgers, and report on our impact as a global community of people committed to creating a better world.


Not ready for 10%?

If you’re not ready to fully commit, you can try our 🔹Trial Pledge which allows you to trying giving any percentage for a custom duration — you decide!


Why 10% of income?

What do we mean by “effective”?

How do I decide which pledge to take?

What if I’m a student? What if I’m not earning income?

What is “wealth” and how can I include it in my pledge?

Is a giving pledge legally binding?

Why give publicly?

Why am I seeing the small orange diamond emoji on social media?

What do we mean by pledging to donate to “effective” charities?

Not all charities are equal. Your choice of where to donate can lead to significant differences in impact. The best charities can easily do 100 times more good with your dollar than a typical charity, and often this multiplier is even greater.

What charities can I give to? You can give to any charities you sincerely believe are the most effective at using their resources to improve the world. However, since charities vary dramatically in how much good they do per dollar, we recommend checking out our giving guides when deciding where to give.



Pledge options

Unsure what to pick? Check out our pledge recommendation tool.


of income


The 🔹Trial Pledge
Give a minimum of __% of your income for __ years.
You choose what % of income or what % of wealth you want to pledge and for how long (6 months - 5 years).


of income


The 🔸10% Pledge
Give a minimum of 10% of your income, until you retire.
Give 10% of your income each year. You can instead pledge a % of wealth, if that makes sense for you.




The Further Pledge
Give all income over a set allowance, until you retire.
You choose how much you need to live a good life and give away everything above that allowance.

Pledges aren't just for people

Your company can have a tremendous impact by pledging a percentage of profits to highly-effective charities. Some of our proud company pledgers are highlighted below; join them to set an example for others! Drop us a line to learn more and get started.


of profits

The Company Pledge
Give 10% of your profits
Give at least 10% of profits each year to highly-effective charities.

I was motivated to pledge because...

If I value the lives of strangers at least 1% of my own, I must donate a good fraction of my income, as long as there are such "low hanging fruit" of opportunities for help.

- a b

Pledged Nov 2024

Solving the world's most pressing problems necessitates that all of us who are wealthy (by global standards) use our wealth for good, sooner than later.

- Blanditiis Iure Cumq Perferendis Sit Omni

Pledged Oct 2024

Because I acknowledge that my money can go so much further elsewhere, and even further still in my ambition to end factory farming.

- Kevin Xia

Pledged Jul 2024

Learn more about our community

A Global Movement

Initiated by Giving What We Can in 2009 (as the “Giving What We Can Pledge”), the 🔸10% Pledge is now a widespread way to effect change. Take it here or through any of the organisations below.

Animal Advocacy Careers
Animal Advocacy Careers

Animal Advocacy Careers (AAC) is an organisation that seeks to address the career and talent bottlenecks in the animal advocacy movement, especially the farmed animal movement.

Ayuda Efectiva
Ayuda Efectiva

Ayuda Efectiva works to communicate ideas related to effective altruism and effective giving to Spanish-speaking audiences.

One for the World
One for the World

One for the World’s mission is to build a movement of people revolutionising charitable giving to end extreme poverty through education, training, and community building.

Effective Altruism UK
Effective Altruism UK

Effective Altruism is a social movement that advocates using evidence and reason to figure out how to benefit others as much as possible, and taking action on that basis.

Effektiv Spenden
Effektiv Spenden

Effektiv Spenden works to communicate ideas related to effective altruism and effective giving to German-speaking audiences.

Gi Effektivt
Gi Effektivt

Gi Effektivt works to communicate ideas related to effective altruism and effective giving to a Norwegian audience.

Ge Effektivt
Ge Effektivt

Ge Effektivt works to communicate ideas related to effective altruism and effective giving to a Swedish audience.

Freelancing for Good
Freelancing for Good

Freelancing for Good is a community of freelancers who are passionate about using our careers and unique skills to do as much as good as they can.

Giving Confidence

Let's address your questions

Step 1 of 2

Pledge FAQs

What is The Pledge?
Why is the 🔸10% Pledge 10%?
What if I want to give more than 10% of my income?
What if I can't afford to give 10% of my income?
Could I become a member and not have my name published?
How do I upgrade my existing pledge to include wealth?
Is a 🔸10% Pledge with wealth a lifetime commitment?
What are the different giving pledge options?
Why are the names of pledged members made public?
How often should members donate?
Can I pledge with my partner as a couple?
How do I calculate my pledge if I’m retired?
How does working at a nonprofit or charity change my pledge?
Is there a pledge for students?
Does Gift Aid count toward my pledge?
How do I calculate my pledge if I’m a full-time parent or carer?
Can I report donations to any charity using the Pledge Dashboard?
Should everyone take a giving pledge?
Why am I seeing the small orange diamond emoji on social media?
How can I resign or unpledge for my pledge?
Is a giving pledge legally binding?
What is “wealth” and how can I include it in my pledge?
How permanent is a giving pledge?
What should I think about before taking a pledge?
Does volunteering count towards my giving pledge?
How does debt change my giving pledge?
I'm not sure about becoming a member yet, but would like to help. What can I do?
Do I count employer donation matching towards my giving pledge?
How do I calculate my pledge if I’m unemployed?
How do you keep track of whether I follow through on my commitment?
What organisations or charities ‘count’ towards a giving pledge?
How do pledge members calculate income?
How do I calculate my pledge if I’m a student?
How do I use the pledge recommendation tool if I'm retired, a student, or unemployed?
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