Giving What We Can is a growing community of people who are passionate about helping others.
Over 6,000 of us have pledged to donate a portion of our earnings (or spending money for students or unemployment) to the charities that can best help others.
Giving Tuesday (November 30) through to New Years Day (January 1) is an ideal time to reflect on your plans for the future and how your giving fits into that.
In early January we'll be hosting parties to celebrate our incoming members and meet up with veteran members.
How to get involved
For people new to these ideas
If you're new to these ideas here are some ways you can participate in our campaign:
Try donating to a highly effective charity It's amazing how much more impact you can have on improving the lives of others if you pick an effective charity to donate to.
Take a pledge to give more and give more effectively Making a public pledge helps you follow through, gives you the support of a community and inspires others to follow your example. Our Try Giving pledge helps you to pick a percent and timeframe for your commitment.
For existing members
If you're already a member of GWWC, now is a great time to:
Update your giving plans As new giving recommendations come out, this is a perfect time to reflect on and update where your donations are going. Now is also a great time to plan your giving. You might want to upgrade from Try Giving to The Pledge, set yourself a stretch goal, set a recurring donation, check if you have employer matching, or ensure your will is up-to-date and includes a bequest.
Make and track your donations Ensure you're on track to meet your commitment to help others. This also helps us get an accurate picture of what the GWWC community is achieving. You can make donations and record them on your Pledge Dashboard.
At this time of year many people are thinking about giving and planning for the coming year, it's a natural time to talk about the benefits of making a habit of giving more and giving more effectively.
Share the this campaign Invite your friends and family to get involved by sharing this page with them, or inviting them to our Facebook event which has details.
Join our effective giving advocacy challenge Throughout December we will send you a simple action you can take each day to help you advocate for effective giving.
Share our ideas Help us spread the word about giving more and giving more effectively. We've collated a bunch of different ways you can help spread the word, including the experiences of other members, events you can run, and much more.
Your current selection
Funds / Organisations you select will show up here